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Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

Lisa Manyon

Top 10 Best Quotes

“You are 100 percent responsible for taking control of your health. Learn about nutrition, healthy eating, and how to fuel your body the right way.”

“When you strengthen your connection to nature, you naturally tap into something bigger than yourself.”

“When you feel something is off or you’re experiencing less than optimal encounters on any level, that’s a telltale sign that it's time to course-correct and align with the Divine.”

“Two years prior to the cancer diagnosis, while sitting in my office, I received a Divine download that told me I would write a book about healing with love and it would be called Spiritual Sugar.”

“There is something life-affirming and soul-opening about facing mortality. It's the ultimate choice point to COMMIT to YOU.”

“The road home is long and winding. And home is wherever YOU are.”

“The brighter your light shines, the louder the naysayers get and the more important it is to have a trusted sacred sphere of influence.”

“Spiritual Sugar is all about healing with L♥VE, and I for one, know the world needs more healing.”

“Question everything. Get a second opinion (or more). Push for what you need. Don’t take no for an answer.”

“People don’t know how to deal with cancer. So, when people do show up, it means a lot. More than you will ever know. When people don’t show up, it hurts. More than you will ever know.”

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Book Keywords:

inspiration, healing, divinity, self-help, healing-with-love, spiritualiyt, healthcare, nature, cancer-journey, inspirational, energy-healing, light, faith, spirituality, nutrition, mortality, diagnosis, intention, intuition, health

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